
Bremsneshatten is rather easy to spot with a certain distinctiveness compared to the otherwise flat area. You can move around both above, inside and alongside the top. The cultural area surrounding the mountain offers everything from fantastic views, areas to climb, a dive into history and a fascinating landscape.

In the areas surrounding Bremsneshatten and Bremsneshola there has been found multiple places of residence dating back to the old stone age, and it has been established as a culture trail for people to explore. Just in the matter of an hour you will get to discover a bunch of both old and newer buildings and storage rooms from the stone age.

The entrance to Bremneshola is located in the walls of Bremneshatten and requires climbing in order to enter. You will have to descend about 10 height meters before you can finally reach the ground of the cave. If you feel even more adventures, there is a hidden room you can get to by going to the back of the cave. From there, a few meters high, is a narrow path leading into a new space. This area is about 2 x 8 meters. In all, the hike is not that difficult and a fun experience to embark on. Reaching the top you get an amazing view.